Je vous présente un bronze très intéressant pour Marc Aurèle qui m'a demandé quelques heures de travail pour l'identification.
En effet, absent du Ric et du cohen (La combinaison du droit et du revers existe en sesterce, mais pour les As/dupondius il n'y a pas cette combinaison avec 1 enfant dans le bras de pietas)
Il a fallut chercher dans les notes du BMC : BMC 1858 note qui fait référence au livre de Strack sur Antonin, n° 1030. Le BMC dit "Variant of rev. Pietas holds child on left arm" et il renvoie à Strack 1030 en précisant que le type est celui du sesterce BMC 1854.
Voici la réponse de Curtis Clay à qui j'avais montré la monnaie.
Strack 1030, middle bronzes in Berlin,Vienna, and Vatican.
He illustrates the Berlin spec., pl. XVI. It seems to be from the same rev. die as yours, but a different obv. die with different bust type, with fold of cloak or aegis on front shoulder and behind neck.
I have a dupondius like yours in my own collection, from different dies both sides, obv. head only like yours but legend split CAE - SAR. The few specimens of this coin that I have inspected in hand were all struck in yellow metal, i.e. are dupondii not asses.
This type seems to commemorate the birth of Marcus and Faustina's second child, the naked male baby that the figure holds, while their first child, a daughter, stands at her feet. I have discovered that, contrary to the accepted reconstruction of the births and deaths of Marcus' children, both of these earliest offspring were soon to die, which probably helps explain the rarity of this type in all denominations, aurei, sestertii, and dupondii!
As/dupondius - 9.31 g