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 Trésor de IG - A Hoard of Third Century Antoniniani by Pete

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Trésor de IG -  A Hoard of Third Century Antoniniani by Pete Empty
MessageSujet: Trésor de IG - A Hoard of Third Century Antoniniani by Pete   Trésor de IG -  A Hoard of Third Century Antoniniani by Pete Icon_minitimeSam 21 Oct - 11:06


j'ai rentré 2 exemplaires (Neuf) du KOS qui devient assez recherché !
Les prix sont de 35 € + port  pour la france !

Trésor de IG -  A Hoard of Third Century Antoniniani by Pete Cb5PRWb7e9KK2ezJmxB8jZ6684qM3G

Situla No. 29, National Museum Ljubljana, 1991, 242 x 175 mm, 99 pages, 50 plates. Hardbound with dust jacket. Very Fine, near new copy. Slovenian and English text.
This monograph studies the find of 3510 antoniniani and 1 denarius discovered by chance in 1957 at the Roman site of Ig near Ljubljana. The hoard comprises coins from the period from Philip I to Aurelianus. In addition to a detailed catalogue and extensive illustrations, the book also contains a detailed analysis and commentary on all the coins in the find (the representation of coins of individual mints, rulers, etc.), and an attempt at determining chronologically the burial of the find, which according to the latest coins in the find can be placed in the year 273. Coins from the reign of Philip I to Postumus, most of the coins in the hoard are from sole reign of Gallienus and Claudius II. Very interesting hoard.

Dernière édition par Icos le Lun 6 Nov - 18:18, édité 1 fois
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Age : 50
Date d'inscription : 13/01/2011

Trésor de IG -  A Hoard of Third Century Antoniniani by Pete Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trésor de IG - A Hoard of Third Century Antoniniani by Pete   Trésor de IG -  A Hoard of Third Century Antoniniani by Pete Icon_minitimeSam 21 Oct - 11:40

Icos a écrit:
Coins from the reign of Philip I to Postumus

Mais qu'est ce que des monnaies de postumus ont bien put aller faire en slovenie... viking
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Trésor de IG - A Hoard of Third Century Antoniniani by Pete
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