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 help me about a CARAUSIUS coin!

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3 participants
Cos Des II
Cos Des II

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! Empty
MessageSujet: help me about a CARAUSIUS coin!   help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! Icon_minitimeMar 10 Mai - 10:19

help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! R6carausio
help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! R6acarausio

hi, I want to know if my identification is correct.
For me this coin is a specimen of CARUSIUS, I think it is a FIDES, but I would like to know what number of RIC could be. is it possible?

•FIDEM MILIT Ric 32 (London mint).
•FIDES MIL, MILIT o MILITVM from Ric 224 to 228 (Camulodunum mint)
•FIDES MILITVM Ric 608 (RSR mint)
•FID AVG, FIDEM AVG, FIDE, FIDEM, FIDES MIL, MILIT, MILIVM, MILITVM Ric from 780 to 783 (unknown mint)

PS I apologize for my English, but I'm Italian and I'm using Google translator!
PS2 the specimen is not mine, it's a photo downloaded from internet that I am using for my study about CARAUSIUS so I can not give different pictures!

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Age : 73
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2008

help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help me about a CARAUSIUS coin!   help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! Icon_minitimeMar 10 Mai - 10:45

...ça me semble une imitation de Carausius au type Fides...quant à connaitre le type exact c'est trop demander vu l'état de la monnaie...
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Cos Des II
Cos Des II

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help me about a CARAUSIUS coin!   help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! Icon_minitimeMar 10 Mai - 10:58

you really looks like a local issue? I thought it was an official release, the style did not seem "barbaric".
I read these legends: obv. "I [...] SI [...]" and rev. "[...] DES [...] IT [...]" so a possible legend may be: IMP CARAVSIVS P F AVG for the obv. and FIDES MILITVM for the rev.
I think it's very interesting the idea of ​​a local imitation, but what do you suggest this?
I also know this information: AE; 2,05 gr; 19 mm; or. axis 3h.
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Age : 73
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2008

help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help me about a CARAUSIUS coin!   help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! Icon_minitimeMar 10 Mai - 18:41

...le style est vraiment grossier... et le poids ne plaide pas non plus en faveur d'une frappe normale... mais je ne suis pas un specialiste du monnayage de Carausius....
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Age : 33
Localisation : 33
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2007

help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help me about a CARAUSIUS coin!   help me about a CARAUSIUS coin! Icon_minitimeMar 10 Mai - 20:50

In this very bad grade, impossible to be precise. Because of it, I think it's not possible to use this coin for a study...
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help me about a CARAUSIUS coin!
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